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Our glass walls

Glass water windows

A "water window" is any configuration where a transparent sheet is embedded in concrete on all four sides. The transparent sheet, fully enclosed in a frame, then takes......

Glazed pool wall

The glazed pool wall is a particularly aesthetic example of the use of transparent glass walls in architecture. A "transparent wall" is any configuration where the......

Water skylights

We refer to any configuration where a transparent sheet is integrated into the bottom of a pool, with an outlet on all 4 sides, as a "water skylight". One side of the......

Glass swimming pool barriers

Glass Pool Fences: Safety and Elegance Combined Safety around a pool is a legal requirement. To meet this requirement while maintaining an aesthetic aspect, glass pool......

60 years of expertise

60 years of expertise

3 sites in France

3 sites in France

Design Office

Design Office

Delivery and Installation

Delivery and Installation

Customized Customer Service

Customized Customer Service